technical papers
* Bridging ESA and NASA Worlds: Lessons Learned from the Integration of hiflyE1SCOS-2000 in NASA's GMSEC. IEEE, 2006, 12.0102.
* SmartRings: advanced tool for communications satellite payload reconfiguration. IEEE, 2006, 12.0401.
* hiflyViews: New Generation Telemetry Visualization. IEEE, 2006, 12.0301.
* Terra Spacecraft Space Calibration Maneuver, Design and Execution. AAS, 2004, AAS04-075.
* SmartRings: advanced tool for communications satellite payload reconfiguration. IEEE, 2006, 12.0401.
* hiflyViews: New Generation Telemetry Visualization. IEEE, 2006, 12.0301.
* Terra Spacecraft Space Calibration Maneuver, Design and Execution. AAS, 2004, AAS04-075.
Divergent Thinking Engineering Corp. tel: 240.326.3832
These papers were authored by Jean-Pierre Chamoun in conjunction with other professionals prior to forming the Divergent Thinking Engineering Corp.
Divergent Thinking Engineering Corp., 2012
451 Hungerford Dr., suite 119-484
Rockville , MD 20850
451 Hungerford Dr., suite 119-484
Rockville , MD 20850